Think you’re boring? You might be right. However, it also may have something to do with what age you are currently at in your life. At least according to some new research conducted by home rental site Airbnb.
In a survey of 2,000 people, Airbnb did their best to determine at what ages men and women exhibited characteristics that could be described as both boring and exciting.
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According to their findings, men reach their peak of being boring around the age of 39. As for as the female sex, women become their most boring around the age of 35, which is a bit odd since one study found that women reach their sexual peak sometime around age 33. Perhaps by age 35 they’re just exhausted.
Metro shared even more interesting details regarding this study of boredom…
Apparently 27 is the age at which people are most likely to be trekking across the desert, dancing on bar counters or taking up base jumping.
People become more dull as they take on increased responsibilities in their thirties, according to the survey.
On the bright side, the study also revealed that once we hit somewhere around age 50 both genders seem to get their shit together again and “become more open to new experiences.”
This would certainly explain why our parents, despite us now being grown-ups, still have the ability to embarrass the living hell out of us at any given moment.