Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all stroll into work every once in a while and tell our bosses that we’ve completely forgotten how to do the task we were hired to do, but that we’re working our hardest to resolve the situation?
Taco Bell, the Mexican fast food king of Planet Earth, has earned that sort of cache.
Chipotle runs out of cilantro? That may be the final straw that turns you into a Qdoba man forever. Taco Bell runs out of tortillas? That’s okay Taco Bell, you enjoy the long 4th of July weekend and come back on Monday refreshed.
Because, seriously, Taco Bell could run out of ground beef and we’d still drag our slowly fattening, increasingly hungover asses to our nearest T-Bell for a chicken quesadilla. Because while it may never be confused with Michelin star dining, there’s still just something about Saint Mexcellent that hits different.
But that doesn’t make them run out of tortillas any less bizarre. Sure, they might not face any financial repercussions as the #brandloyalty is stronger than ever, but a Mexican food empire running out of the ingredient that bounds most of their meals together certainly raises some questions. A Los Pollos Hermanos situation, perhaps?
Unfortunately for The Bell, the reports of the tortilla shortages became so widespread on social media that they were forced to release an official statement to Fox News to acknowledge the situation.
“While some Taco Bell restaurants are experiencing supplier shortages, we are working diligently to replenish the supply of our tortillas (used for products like quesadillas and burritos) in those restaurants and encourage fans to try the Chalupa Cravings Box in the meantime. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause and appreciate our customers’ patience.”
That statement right there just goes to show you why Taco Bell stays king: they always be closing.
“Don’t worry about our mysterious shortage of tortillas, come in and try our dank fucking Chalupa Cravings Box in the meantime,” they (basically) said.
And like always, we’ll probably listen.