TCU is one of the wealthier private colleges and/or universities in the entire country, especially the South, and its graduates typically find success as professionals. That is a nice way of saying that there is a lot of money in Fort Worth when Horned Frogs fans and alumni return to campus for game days in the fall.
Some of them are very proud of their wealth!
Texas Christian was founded in 1873 as a private research university with a religious affiliation to the Protestant branch of Christianity. It enrolls about 13,000 students with a median family income of $187,300. 70% of students come from the top 20 percent. They pay north of $70,000 per year for tuition and other expenses before financial aid.
Upon graduation, the average annual salary for a young professional with a degree from TCU is approximately 13-17% higher than their peers. Some obviously do better than others.
Joe Bonham recently attended a Horned Frogs football game at Amon G. Carter Stadium. He went around and asked both alumni and students for their “biggest financial flex.” They, for the most part, were very quick to brag about their enormous wealth.
The most outrageous answers include:
- Monthly salary greater than most annual salaries
- $500,000 donation to TCU athletics
- Flo Rida performance at a 50th birthday party
- Beach house in Jamaica
- Dad owns 22 Ferraris
- Self-made, “f— you” money
- Pool house as big as a normal house
- Massive engagement ring
- Three yachts
Not every TCU fan who was asked about his or her financial flex offered an outrageous testament to his or her wealth. Some of them preached frugality others expressed their desire to marry rich.
The latter will not be an issue. A large number of Horned Frogs students, alumni and fans come from well-to-do households with a few zeros in their bank accounts!