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Folks, there are two types of people on this tiny blue planet of ours: people who understand that Seinfeld is the greatest sitcom of all-time and absolute idiots who think otherwise who should not be trusted to make even the most basic of life decisions.
Congratulations if you’re in the first category, you have both taste and a consciouses, and condolences if you’re in the second, as you likely need to be neutered and subsequently institutionalized.
Anyway, back to the GOAT.
Released in 1989, Seinfeld — a show that was famous for being “about nothing” — ran for 10 seasons and went on to become one of the most revered television shows of all-time. And over the course of those illustrious 10 seasons, there we dozens upon dozens of classic episodes, from “The Contest” to “The Soup Nazi” to “The Summer of George” and more.
However, with 180 episodes that aired over the course of 10 years, it can be easy to forget some of the underrated gems that popped up during the course of the series. Luckily for us, the official Seinfeld Instagram account held a fan vote to figure out the top 30 episodes of all-time in honor of the show’s 30th anniversary.
The results are quite chalk, but nonetheless, it serves as a reminder of just how truly excellent Seinfeld was.
30. The Serenity Now
29. The Bubble Boy
28. The Limo
27. The Butter Shave
26. The Puffy Shirt
25.The Airport
24. The Race
23. The Summer of George
22. The Libray
21. The Yada Yada
20. The Betrayal
19. The Dinner Party
18. The Outing
17. The Switch
16. The Fire
15. The Little Kicks
14. The Junior Mint
13. The Rye
12. The Parking Garage
11. The Gym
10. The Hamptons
9. The Chinese Restaurant
8. The Chicken Roaster
7. The Strike
6. The Boyfriend
5. The Merv Griffin Show
4. The Opposite
3. The Marine Biologist
2. The Soup Nazi
1. The Contest
While you won’t catch me complaining about any of the entries on this list, I do find myself disappointed that “The Parking Garage” didn’t crack the Top 10, as that was easily my favorite episode while growing up.
Still, a Top 5 of “The Merv Griffin Show”, “The Opposite”, “The Marine Biologist”, “The Soup Nazi”, and “The Contest” is an absolutely perfect murderer’s row of episodes.
Eric is a New York City-based writer who still isn’t quite sure how he’s allowed to have this much fun for a living and will tell anyone who listens that Gotham City is canonically in New Jersey. Contact him on Twitter @eric_ital or via email eric@brobible.com