What is the meaning of IMHO? Think you know what it stands for? What if I said that around half the internet disagrees with you? Because they do.
Also, to settle another debate before it gets started, IMHO is an abbreviation, not an acronym. (An acronym is an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word.)
That out of the way, we all know that IMHO stands for “In My Honest Opinion,” right?
ok soo… IMHO?
— BuzzFeed (@BuzzFeed) May 2, 2018
What does IMHO stand for?
— Detroit Free Press (@freep) May 3, 2018
What does "imho" stand for?
— Jeremy McLellan (@JeremyMcLellan) May 2, 2018
Wait, what’s that? Humble?
Unfollow me if you think the H in IMHO stands for "honest." Seriously, I'm so angry right nowhttps://t.co/sW5TRunyTJ pic.twitter.com/GK3TGuZQ9E
— Craig Silverman (@CraigSilverman) May 2, 2018
Nononono. The H stands for “honest,” I don’t care what “experts” like Merriam-Webster or a glossary from a 1986 PC Magazine that The Atlantic found.
We're on Team Humble, TBH. (cc: @styleguide): https://t.co/477oO1aA5B
— Merriam-Webster (@MerriamWebster) May 2, 2018
And I don’t care if all of these old-timey sources also say the H stands for “humble:” 1990’s The Macintosh Way and Inside Compuserve, 1991’s The First Book of the Mac, 1996’s More Modems for Dummies, 1996’s The Internet Complete Reference, and 1999’s Teach Yourself the Internet for Students.
Well, that’s a little harsh.
This is starting to get out of hand.
i cannot believe we are still talking about "IMHO," it is humble, who clarifies their opinion is honest?? Isn't that what an opinion is????
— Christina Grace (@C_GraceT) May 3, 2018
I just gave up on America when I saw that "honest" was ahead in this poll
— :(){ :|:& };: (@DavidPerlman) May 3, 2018
No kidding.
Now, with that completely not settled at all, can we get back to what the correct pronounciation of “GIF” is?
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