Scientist Puts Whipped Cream In A Vacuum Chamber To See What Happens And WHOA

whipped cream inside vacuum chamber

The King of Random

One of my favorite classes in H.S. was Physics. I didn’t have a natural talent for the calculations but the teacher was a total badass in the field of engineering before he got into teaching and he was able to really communicate the subject material in a way that made it interesting. He also realized the power of reinforcement. If we all did well on a test then maybe we’d get to drop some magnesium in water and see a violent reaction.

One of the days I remember vividly after all these years was when we put marshmallow Peeps inside of a vacuum chamber and watched it expand to the size of an actual chicken. And that day is exactly why my interest was so piqued by this video below. YouTuber ‘The King of Random’ puts a bunch of whipped cream inside of a vacuum chamber just to see what happens and the end result is pretty nuts. The video’s picked up nearly 1 million views in 24 hours and it’s currently #3 on YouTube trending. There are a lot of slower parts in this video so I’d recommend watching it at 2x speed until you get to the good parts and/or just skipping ahead to the action.

Yeah, science! This kind of makes me want to buy one of these vacuum chambers so I can start tossing in random items from around the house just to see what would happen. I mean, wouldn’t you want to see what happens to a tomato inside of a vacuum chamber? What about a steak? I need more of these videos and I need them ASAP.

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible. Based out of Florida, he covers an array of topics including NFL, Pop Culture, Fishing News, and the Outdoors.