It’s no secret that 2015 is set to be a huge year for movie releases, and you sure as hell don’t need me to tell you that. It’s time to cash in those AMC gift cards you’ve been getting from your second-aunt-twice-removed for your birthday for the past four years because there are so many movies actually worth seeing in theatres that are about to come out. It’s not often that I find myself genuinely excited for the release of a movie because, honestly, why would I go see a movie in a crowded theatre where I can’t have my phone and some kid keeps kicking my chair when I could watch one from the comfort of my bed? However, I’m sitting here shaking with anticipation about over half of the movies on this list and that really says something. Without further ado, I present the 10 movies you actually need to see in 2015, organized by release date (you’re welcome, peasants).
American Sniper (January 16th, 2015), Action/Drama
Yes, technically some of you could go see American Sniper on Christmas day but for the vast majority of us we can’t see this until the 16th. The story of Chris Kyle has been long awaited as patriotism is not something Americans are short on and with Clint Eastwood directing it’s sure to be a phenomenal movie. Not to mention Bradley Cooper has proven himself one of the best actors of his generation having been successful in so many different roles and yet critics are saying this is his best performance ever. Do your country proud and go see the tale of the most deadly US sniper in history in theatres.
Focus (February 27th, 2015), Drama/Comedy
This is a safe space, we can be honest here: it’s hard to take Will Smith seriously lately. What with his son running around talking about cutting his penis off and his daughter who probably smokes more than Pink Floyd…seriously did you guys read their interview? Apart from that he’s an alright actor, it’s not like Men in Black was a particularly challenging role. Personal opinions aside though, this movie looks very, very good. The film focuses on a tight-net circle of con artists trying to make it big. It’s got a dose of typical Will Smith comedy (cue him shouting “where are the black people”) with a more serious undertone from the gambling and major consequences involved. It also features Margot Robbie who’s fresh off the hype of Wolf of Wall Street and who promises to be huge in the coming years. I do hope this movie is as good as it looks because the trailer is fantastic.
Unfinished Business (March 6th, 2015), Comedy
Two names: Vince Vaughn and Dave Franco. The past and the future of comedy come together in what is surely to be a hilarious movie with an incredibly generic plot. Honestly we all know the plot is going to be garbage with no surprises, risks or plot twisting conundrums, but it’s important to note that this movie did not make the list for its plot. The two stars have such unique comedic talents that can only be even better when combined. Realistically I could see myself waiting for the Netflix release if I didn’t think I could turn this into a date night to score some points.
Get Hard (March 27th, 2015), Comedy
Quite frankly this one is on the list for the exact same reasons as the last one: it’s going to be fucking hilarious. Kevin Hart and Will Ferrell are potentially two of the funniest men on the planet and I cannot wait to see what they can do together. The film is advertised as rated R which means their jokes will actually be funny and aren’t restricted to age appropriateness. The plot appears to have no love interest for Will Ferrell so we can be reassured it won’t fall to shit, and finally we can be almost certain there will be humorous race-related jokes between the two. May be one of the funniest movies of the year.
Furious 7 (April 3rd, 2015), Action
I am more excited for this movie than I will be for the birth of my first-born child. Having grown up with the franchise our generation has seen some quality car chases never before witnessed on the big screen. I was one of those people who was on the phone crying with my best Bros when Paul Walker was announced dead and hypothetically, if I was the type to illegally car race, it would be for Brian O’Conner. I have no idea how the writers and directors plan to end his story line but I have more faith in them than I do in the earth being round. I will line up outside at midnight for this movie and I have never been able to say that before.
The Avengers: Age of Ultron (May 1st, 2015), Action/Sci-Fi
I don’t know if you guys have noticed but I’m a little biased towards the action/comedy spectrum of movies, and this is no exception. I eagerly await the anticipated Hulk/Iron Man fight which is sure to be followed with snide remarks from the ever so clever Robert Downey Jr. aka Tony Stark. To be honest, if this movie is half as good as the trailer with the Pinocchio theme is it will be the best Marvel movie of all time. It’s a shame this year is so packed with blockbuster movies because this isn’t going to receive the attention it deserves. Oh, and Scarlett Johansson.
Entourage (June 5th, 2015), Comedy
Out of all of the movies on this list this may be the only one to emotionally affect me as much as Furious 7. I know the BroBible readers, like myself, had never given up hope on the possibility of an Entourage movie and soon the day will be here. Now, I’m fully aware that the movie is going to be a rushed season of the show but I could not care less. We are going to see Ari Gold and Vincent Chase on the big screen at last. Can you guys tell I’m excited? Don’t you dare let your friends see this if they haven’t seen every last episode of the TV series because there’s no way they could fully appreciate it. Wait, why are you friends in the first place with people that haven’t seen every episode of Entourage?
Ant-Man (July 17th, 2015), Action/Sci Fi
It’s never easy to create a movie for a superhero that the vast majority of the population has never heard of. Personally, I thought Ant-Man was created specifically for the movie but to my surprise he was first seen in comics in 1962. Paul Rudd already has an impressive repertoire of major cinematic titles under his belt; it’s about time he threw in a Marvel production. The archenemy of Ant-Man, Yellowjacket, will be played by Corey Stoll. You may remember him as being killed by Frank Underwood in House of Cards. The first trailer recently aired during the premiere of Agent Carter on Tuesday night and while the secret lab pales in comparison to that of Tony Stark, I will be eagerly awaiting this release.
Spectre (November 6th, 2015), Action & Adventure
The 24th in the James Bond franchise; I’ve never really been a huge fan of James Bond. I think I’m a little young to fully appreciate it and my parents weren’t really into it so I missed it as a child, but I would have to be an idiot not to throw this on the list. I suppose it’s more of an honorable mention because any James Bond movie that ever comes out will make it on to lists comparable to this one. Anyways, I’ll probably still see it in theaters because it’s a big deal and I have to conform to social norms and whatnot and Daniel Craig is kind of a badass.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (December 18th, 2015), Sci Fi
A new Star Wars trilogy with a $200-million budget for the first movie alone? I shouldn’t have to say anything else to convince you that this will be the biggest movie of the year. No seriously, that’s it.
Hopefully this list will help you narrow down where to spend those movie coupons or at least get you as excited as I am for this upcoming year of movie magic. Did I mention I skipped all my classes today to watch trailers over and over again?