One scene in American Sniper features Bradley Cooper, as Chris Kyle, clutching a newborn baby. It is a powerful moment in the film dedicated to illustrating how the horrors of war tend to follow a man into civilian life.
The tension, however, is lessened a bit thanks to a terrible performance by the actor playing the baby.
The lifeless performance made us wonder …who is this baby?
Here are 10 fast facts about the American Sniper baby, who doesn’t even have a name!
- Isn’t even a real baby
- Is made of plastic
- Worked briefly as a cab driver in New York City before landing first role in an Emerald Nuts ad
- Is an avid collector of James Patterson first editions
- Refused to join the Screen Actors Guild
- Mother was a college roommate of Raggedy Ann
- Was bottled-fed from birth
- Bad at names so called everyone on the set “Pally”
- Did not find Cooper’s beard itchy
- Whereabouts currently unknown — probably in some toy chest somewhere
[H/T: Reel Bad Movies]