It’s pretty much a given that we all want to steal the swag of Sterling Archer. If there’s one thing that the top secret agent of ISIS (no, not that ISIS) knows how to do well, it’s kicking (and tapping) some ass while looking fine as hell in a full-on suit or hangin’ out with his Johnson out. While it takes a pro to copy this man of mystery’s style, we’re now another step closer to jacking some of his threads.
In honor of Archer season 6, which premieres tonight at 10 p.m. EST on FX, Jack Threads has teamed up with the TV network to create one of the sweetest, Archer-approved turtlenecks to aide you on your journey to becoming the sickest secret agent out there. Or just the slickest bro at your favorite watering hole. The “Tactleneck,” as it’s called, is made from 100% Azerbaijani cashmere… Just kidding! It’s actually just regular cashmere, but you should totally tell the chick you’re flirting with otherwise, and hope she doesn’t call you out on it.
Supplies are limited so you should act fast and pre-order it here. But just in case you miss this opportunity, Jack Threads has an entire Archer swag shop that’ll teach you how to emulate Sterling in any giving setting. Wanna impress the ladies as a gentleman of the evening who’s packing heat in both his pocket square and the bedroom? You’ll wanna check out the “Lady-Pleaser Look.” Need to execute some badass Krav Maga while soothing your hangover with Bloody Marys? “The Cool, Calm and Hungover Look” is for you. How about when you need to woo the half-naked KGB double agent you’re chasing down on the snowmobile you just commandeered? You’ll want to consider “The Down Hill Look.”
Jack Threads even offers Pam’s dolphin puppet in oven mitt form.
This shop makes it incredibly easy to throw your own Archer-binge-watching party. But remember: if you’re going to dress up like ISIS’ finest, you better act like it. Just follow this spot-on advice on entering the Danger Zone the man himself gave to Esquire: “To get into the Danger Zone you have to rev up your engine, shove it into overdrive, and head out on the edge, preferably with very hot intensity. I don’t know what the Friend Zone is.”
[H/T: Thrillist]