We’ve rounded the home stretch towards the Season 7 premiere of Archer, and that means the hype for the new season of Archer has reached a full on fever pitch. This is almost certainly one of the final exclusive clips we’ll see released before the Archer Season 7 premiere date (March 31st, just days away), but I also think that this clip’s good enough on its own to have been an entire episode of Archer.
Frankly, this concept could be its own TV show and I’d watch the shit out of it. If only every movie review was this awesome I might actually get around to watching/reading movie reviews once, and if the film industry (or old media) want people like us checking out movie reviews then they need to consider launching this as a standalone TV show: ‘Sterling Mallory Archer reviews history’s greatest spy films’.
The options here are endless. He could’ve stretched out each film review to five minutes instead of combining every film from the James Bond series (worth noting) into a singular five minute clip. All he needs to do is four films per episode and you’ve got 20 minutes of Archer reviewing spy films, 10 minutes of ads, and everyone gets what they want. Seriously, can we get a KickStarter going for this?
Anyways, the full list of reviews is up over on, so if you want more of this you can click on over for Archer‘s complete review of the James Bond film collection.
[h/t UPROXX]