Leave ’em wanting more. That’s the name of the game when it comes to TV series and my sex record. This video highlights some of the biggest cliffhangers in tv history. As you can see, sometimes the cliffhanger is completely out of left field, causing so much head-scratching that you actually hit brain matter and forget how to do math. Other times, the climactic ending makes you want to press fast forward on life.
There’s one TV show featured in this video that takes the cake in making its viewers rake their face off. I can’t tell you how hot and also bothered I got during its series finale. I haven’t watched a single moment of that series since, other than the clip used in this video. And that clip… oooh boy, that clip had me itchin’ and tinglin’ like Charlie Sheen after an orgy. Goosebump City.
Even more entertaining than these stupefying conclusions are fan reaction videos. Thank you, Internet, for taking fiction way too seriously. In their defense, though, time is money, and cash rules everything around me, so, if someone robs me of my time and I don’t get my high, someone’s getting capped. Word life. That’s why I binge-watched Breaking Bad and Mad Men. Ermahgerd, what happened? *Hits ‘play next episode’* Oh, okay. Got it.