Bill Murray Stopped His Interview With Letterman To Get In A Quick Jog

Bill Murray just gets more awesome by the day as last night on The Late Show With David Letterman he interrupted his interview to find out what day the New York Marathon was and then asked Dave if he “could handle things” because he needed to “get a run in.”

Murray then proceeded to slather Ben-Gay on his hands “to help his knees” and left the studio for a jog (wearing his tuxedo) where he snagged some unsuspecting person on the street’s water bottle as if he were a marathon volunteer. Bill Murray at his finest, folks.

Also during Murray’s amazing appearance he talked about Ghostbusters 3 being announced, saying the studios always wanted to make another one because “they can’t come up with any other ideas,” and goes on to talk about it probably having an all female cast naming some women he thought would be good for the roles including Melissa McCarthy, Emma Stone, and Rashida Jones.

And finally, this being Bill Murray, he also told three random, yet completely great stories.