Charlie Day — fighter of the Nightman, champion of the Sun, a master of karate and friendship for everyone — went back to Merrimack College to deliver a graduation speech to the Class of 2014. Charlie Day’s graduation speech at Merrimack clocks in at nearly 20 minutes long. If you’re an It’s Always Sunny fan, it is everything you’ve ever wanted in life, if not more. Listen to him tell the tale about how he passed up a cushy (yet boring as hell) entry level financial services job with Fidelity in Boston to grind as a working actor, his passion in life. Here’s a couple of nuggets of wisdom from Charlie Day’s graduation speech:
- A college degree does nothing. It collects dust. It does however mean something. It tells your community, ‘I’ve expanded my mind, I’ve destroyed my liver, but I didn’t give up.'”
- “I have always had a half-baked philosophy that having a plan B can muddle up your Plan A.”
- “If I wanted to run the risk of failure, I wanted it to be in the place where I was proud to fail, doing what I loved to do.”
- “I don’t give a shit.”
- “Everything I’m truly proud of in this life has been a terrifying prospect to me. From my first play, to hosting ‘Saturday Night Live,’ getting married, being a father, speaking to you today. None of it comes easy. People will tell you to do what makes you happy, but all this has been hard work. And I’m not always happy. I don’t think you should just do what makes you happy. Do what makes you great.”
Hilarious and just awesome. Watch Charlie Day’s graduation speech below:
Welcome to post-grad life, kids: