The Donald Trump Presidential bid train is quickly chugging right off the tracks. Millions and millions of Muslims (or four) will celebrate the moment he’s finally out of the US Presidential race but until that moment let’s all enjoy The Donald looking like The Dipshit on a daily basis.
This time it’s a model and mom-to-be, Chrissy Teigen, nailing Donald Trump for being an insufferable dick. Trump took to Twitter to brag about a closed door meeting with a group of African American pastors but saying it’s “not a press event” but then how will everyone know Trump has black friends?!?! Oh, right, he’d gonna tweet about it. Teigen quickly called him out for missing the entire point of a “non-press event.”
Oh that sound? That was a mic dropping.
Trump, naturally, took the low road and RT a comment about Chrissy being a “trashy gutter mouth.” It made Chrissy’s day.
The greatest birthday gift ever
— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) November 30, 2015
[via Esquire]