Cruel Intentions was a brilliant film. Take three of the hottest actresses of the time and make them all either a) kiss or b) get almost naked. The movie should be rebooted every five years with the three dimes of the time.
The ladies from the movie — Reese Witherspoon, Selma Blair and Sarah Michelle Gellar — are still all besties. At least that’s what this Instagram pic makes it look like. Reese posted it after a “girl’s night out” that we only pray ended in…you know…
All of the women look amazing but which is the hottest now? In 1999, I’d argue Reese was the overall hottest, Sarah was the sexy possibly dirty one and Selma was the innocent but mentions pegging in bed type of girl. And I’m not even talking about their roles in the film, I mean in real life. They’re now all moms so that’s a hot set of MILFs. Three MILFS is probably the best hand you could get, not counting any of their hands. That’s the best you’ll probably get but I doubt it.
So which Cruel Intentions girl looks the best now?