Ryan Reynolds As Deadpool Won The ‘Straight Outta Somewhere’ Meme – A Celebrity Roundup

So did you catch all the “Straight Outta Somewhere” pics people were sharing over the weekend? They were made on a meme/album cover generator to promote the upcoming film Straight Outta Compton which opens on August 14th. It was quite popular, showing up on the Google Hot Trends Top 20 pretty much all day on Sunday.

Of course, celebs like to get on whatever the trendy thing of the day is just like regular people. Go figure. But none of them did it as well as Ryan Reynolds did in his continuing amazing efforts to promote his Deadpool movie. (Movie studio execs should really just follow him and his co-workers to see how to do it right.)

Mick Foley’s hot daughter also did it right.


Here are a few more celebs I noticed who got into the “Straight Outta Somewhere” action with varying degrees of success.


That’s 2014 Miss Hooters International Janet Layug. She also did it right.

Yet another shot fired.