HBO / The Wire
UPDATE: a rep from Amazon Prime Video reached out and has disputed the facts reported below which I sourced here from various reputable websites. We’re now being told the list of shows leaving Amazon Prime is incorrect, and the deal is not expiring on May 21st. It is unclear, at this point, which specific HBO shows will be leaving Amazon Prime and when. It’s unclear at this point what shows, if any, will be leaving Amazon Prime. The Amazon Prime rep confirmed that none of the HBO titles previously listed are leaving Amazon Prime, so it’s unclear if there are others leaving that weren’t listed. I have updated the headline to reflect the changes in this article. I apologize for the confusion.
I’d estimate that 95% of the streaming TV content I watch comes from Netflix. The other 5%? That’s when I’m on Amazon Prime’s video streaming service watching old HBO shows like Eastbound and Down and Deadwood. I’d reckon that I’m in the bottom percentile of Amazon Prime watchers when it comes to HBO content and that millions upon millions are out there watching HBO shows every day on Amazon Prime. This is all about to change, supposedly.
It was previously reported that HBO and Amazon Prime have been operating under a 3-year contract, and that contract’s set to expire next month. A rep from Amazon Prime has since disputed that this contract is ending, emailing me to confirm that this is not the case.
Initial reports said that all of the biggest and best shows from HBO will be leaving Amazon Prime, but not all of them. Those reports also claimed there was a silver lining because not every one of our favorite shows was in danger of leaving.
Based on the report from Vulture, which has since been disputed by an Amazon rep and appears to have been deleted by Vulture, HBO shows would be disappearing from Amazon Prime on May 21st because HBO reportedly has zero interest in renewing its contract with Amazon. The legitimacy of this is now called into question as Amazon is reporting the exact opposite if what Vulture reported.
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