In other words, it was just your usual Jennifer Lawrence talk show experience.
Appearing on The Tonight Show Monday night, ostensibly to promote the new X-Men: Apocalypse movie coming out this weekend, Jennifer Lawrence was her usual sexy, TMI, unfiltered self.
First she talked about how her 4-year-old nephew, who is obsessed with X-Men, doesn’t think of her as a real X-Men mutant, hates her movies and doesn’t like her as Mystique.
Lawrence also discussed the time during a press conference when she jokingly told people there that Kim Basinger, her co-star in The Burning Plain, wasn’t in attendance because she had died. It didn’t exactly go over very well.
“Kim Basinger wasn’t there. We were doing an international press conference and somebody said, ‘Where is Kim Basinger?’ I just leaned in the microphone and was like, ‘You didn’t hear? Kim died.’ There was like a beat while it got translated and then it was [eplosion sound],” tells J-Law. “I got ripped off the stage and thrown into media training, which is hilarious because I was like Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady. They’re like, ‘Don’t sit like that! Don’t talk like that!’ Ah!”
“Obviously, it didn’t take,” she joked.
Then, during the best part of the show, Lawrence sat down for a game of “True Confessions” with Fallon and John Oliver and proceeded to share a story about how during the filming of The Hunger Games she shot one scene while on Ambien. That’s the sign of a true actor – when they can do scenes while completely drugged up.
However, the real highlight of the game was when Fallon noticed a little something on her nose, which J-Law discovered was a booger.
“You have something on your nose,” observed Fallon.
“Oh, is it a booger?” Lawrence asked as she wiped her nose. “Felt it.”
Followed by, “I was like, we’re on TV, there’s no way a booger could…” then much laughter ensued.
Okay, I lied, while that was good, this was the real highlight of her appearance.
Jennifer Lawrence knows how to make an entrance! #FallonTonight
— The Tonight Show (@FallonTonight) May 24, 2016
Never change, J-Law. Never change.
Here are some more pics from her appearance that I think you will enjoy…