Last night after Donald Trump delivered his fiery speech at the RNC, Jon Stewart crashed Stephen Colbert’s Late Show to deliver an old school, Daily Show-esque monologue skewering Trump and his followers. It’s vintage Jon Stewart, who left the Daily Show desk over a year ago, effectively benching himself from a Presidential election cycle that’s become a shitshow of a three-ring circus .
Stewart’s post-RNC rant torches Donald Trump, the RNC, and Fox News, with Stewart using a new, amazing nickname for pundit Sean Hannity — “Lumpy and Friends.”
Pretty much the perfect way to briefly come out of retirement. And for those keeping track, here is your moment of zen:
“You sure as hell don’t own respect for the bravery of military, police, and firefighters. Trust me — I saw a lot of people on the floor in Cleveland with their Blue Lives Matter rhetoric who actively fought against the 9/11 first responders bill re-authorization. I see you and I see your bullshit…”
Enjoy your retirement, Jon.
Jon Stewart had a few words for the people who say they want their country back.
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) July 22, 2016