Kevin Hart, who was on The Tonight Show the other day and told a hilarious story about what a diva “The Rock” is on set, visited a haunted house with Jimmy Fallon as a part of his visit as well.
Now if ever there were two people who would be perfect to film while going through a scary AF haunted house it would have to be these two. One, Fallon can’t control his giggles at anything and two Hart is just goddamn hilarious no matter what he does.
What makes this even better is the fact that the two visited the purportedly scariest haunted house in New York City, Blood Manor.
The two best parts to me were when Hart shouts, “Jimmy’s got all the cash!” as he tried to escape the monsters near the end and the fact that he admitted having gas and farting when he got scared.
Hart ended the segment by telling everyone, “If you guys watch this at any point and it looks like I was afraid, I’m an actor. That’s me acting.”
And then to close it out Jimmy tells him “Happy Halloween” and Hart replies, “Hey, uh, why don’t you go fuck yourself, Jimmy.”
I didn’t think it was possible, but that was even funnier than when Hart and Fallon rode a roller coaster together a couple of years ago.