Naturally, Netflix is now pivoting from its original “This season is a one-time only thing” stance to say that the powers that be are, naturally, open to a new season.
From Vulture:
Hastings has flipped a little on the prospect of further seasons. “Arrested is unique because that’s really up to the talent,” he said on Wednesday. “If the talent were willing to do more… I’m sure we would be willing.” While Netflix won't release any kind of ratings, it seems like the new season has been doing well (and also getting pirated). Chief content officer Ted Sarandos has divulged that 85 percent of Netflix user-reviews on the new season have been four or five stars.
I mean, I'd really like to go on a date with Candice Swanepoel, but, you know, we don't all get what we want. Every single one of the main characters is involved in other work. (Look at Maeby's IMDB page. Shockingly well-populated.) And the big stars—Michael Cera and Jason Bateman—are among the most in-demand guys in Hollywood right now.
It's a long-shot to say that we'll ever see another season. Let's just hope for the inevitable movie.
[H/T: Vulture]