For the tens of you out there that are still hanging on and playing Pokemon GO you are about to be rewarded with some serious new goodies, according to a new report.
Dataminers at Silph Road have been doing what they do, and have discovered that the next major Pokemon GO update is going to pretty huge.
What they found inside code in the back end of a recent update might actually bring new life to game return gamers who have grown bored with it back into the fold if it comes to fruition.
Here are a few of the highlights…
One new move has been added to the game: TRANSFORM
— It is a quick move (as opposed to a charge/special move).
— Transform now appears both in the GAME_MASTER file with its own animation sequence (as all moves have) and the APK code itself, as the only new move addition yet since the game launched.100 New Pokemon are now referenced in the game’s code
— Pokedex #152 (Chikorita) to #251 (Celebi)
— Moveset data has not appeared for the 100 new species, and a client-side update (e.g. v0.45.1) will be required for them to begin appearing in-game52 New Pokemon Families now appear
— Again from Chikorita to Celebi
— Includes Ho-Oh and Lugia, etc.
Silph Road also discovered a new sponsor, references to the lockout system, as well as the quest system and more.
Of course, no date for any of this has been released, and it’s all still unconfirmed, but if these changes do occur we might not have heard the last of this game yet.