Red Band Trailer For ‘It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia’ Season 12 Looks Like The Gang’s On Bath Salts

The Red Band trailer for Season 12 of It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia just hit the World Wide Web and it looks like everyone in the gang is getting laid this season.

It also appears as if they’re snorting bath salts, and I say this because there’s no way in hell Sweet Dee would ever get her hands on an entire Ziplock sandwich bag worth of Colombia’s finest cocaine. This crew is definitely more fitted for the life of bath salts (or Flakka), so that’s where my mind went when I saw them all ripping gator tails off the bar.

Season 12 of It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia is set to premiere on January 4th on FXX, so you’ll want to set your DVR asap if it’s not already set from last season.

I’m almost ashamed to admit this but I still have about half of Season 11 to catch up on before I start watching Season 12 in January, but I’ve got plenty of time to binge watch them all on Amazon. Which brings me to my next point, if you’re like me and still need to get caught up you can purchase ALL Season 11 of It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia on Amazon Video for only $23.

[h/t UPROXX]