So says Shia LeBeouf, who was in yet another drunken entanglement (which means he's now ahead of a one-to-one drunken–bar–fights-to-Transformers movies pace). The fight went down in London.
The “Transformers” star reportedly upset a female fan that approached him at the restaurant and then exchanged a few heated words with the woman's boyfriend when he came to defend her.
In the ensuing argument, LeBeouf screamed at the man, “I can get you killed.”
Yes, Shia LeBeouf has a team of assassins, which he can call upon whenever his honor is besmirched… Sort of like NEST? Okay, Shia. Prove it. You're a bitch. I hear you like to play with knives to look tough. Come kill me. Come at me brah with your robot assassins and have me killed. If you can pull it off, you have it here in writing: I, David Covucci, do not wish for any authorities to pursue charges if Shia LeBeouf has a hit man take me out. What are you waiting for?
[Via NY Daily News; H/T @FilmDrunk]: