David Spade’s only appearance on tonight’s SNL40 telecast was the “Buh Bye” sketch that quickly took place after “The Californians.” So what is Spade doing with himself for the next few hours? Oh, ya know, just saying “buh bye” to all the mini-bottles of Ketel One that he’s pouring into his facehole while he sits in the audience and enjoys the show.
David Spade sitting in the audience armed with an airplane bottle of Kettle One and his best O-face pic.twitter.com/0Gw2gUhsfA
— J.Camm (@JCamm_) February 16, 2015
Yes, I know I obliterated the spelling of Ketel One in my tweet. But fuck it, right?
"@PaulPabst David Spade for Ketel One pic.twitter.com/lvEoCoivsd"
— Car Parking Kyle (@KyleDuxbury) February 16, 2015