It’s finally here, the week in which Star Wars: The Force Awakens hits theaters. After months and months and years and years of anticipation fanboys worldwide can finally let out one massive sploosh as that iconic Star Wars theme music begins to roll across the big screen. And what better way to ring in the new era of Star Wars: The Force Awakens than a 5-hour-long video of a Dart Vader yule log crackling peacefully in a fire. This video’s so stupid and simple I estimate it’ll have 100 million hits by 2016.
The merchandising has been at an all-time high, you cannot turn on your TV right now without seeing Star Wars commercial, you can’t go to BuzzFeed without seeing a thousand lists and quizzes from ‘Which Star Wars Character Would Your Lame Ass Tumblr Profile Be?’ or ’11 Reasons Every Girl Wants Jabba The Hutt To Sweep Her Off Her Feet’. This though, this video does not suck gigantic donkey balls.
Somehow with the endless advertising budget of Star Wars: The Force Awakens all we ever needed to see was Darth Vader burning in a fire for 5 blissful hours. Darth Vader’s the most hated/feared/loved villain in cinema history, why wouldn’t anyone want to watch him burn in a fire for 5 long hours?
Also, big shout out to Christ Plante over at TheVerge for sharing this.