If You Thought Nationwide’s ‘Dead Kid’ Spot Was Bad, Check Out This Heroin Abuse Ad That Aired In St. Louis


Can I ask you something? If you were to make a commercial about a teen — or a twenty-something who still lives at home with his parents — who is abusing heroin to the point of dying, would you write a bubbly, light-hearted jingle for it? Because these people did and it really elevated the shit out of this commercial.

I don’t know much about anti-drug campaigns, but if I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times: There’s nothing like hearing an upbeat jingle while watching a mother cry over her heroin-abusing son’s dead body. (Note: I haven’t actually said that once or ever, but I’m guessing the crazy asshole who made this atrocity has.)

Also, I would have loved to seen Twitter’s reaction if this aired everywhere and not just St. Louis. Huge missed opportunity.

[H/T Big Lead]