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Just when I thought there’d be no way to top Ryan Gosling’s legendary reaction to the shitshow taking place on stage as the Oscars tried to figure out who REALLY won Best Picture along comes Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.
Oh sure, Salma Hayek and Meryl Streep looked pretty shocked in this photo, but The Rock looks like someone just called him out on RAW he’s about to layeth the smacketh down on someone’s roody-poo candy ass.
Naturally, just like with Ryan Gosling’s tremendous reaction, the internet could not get enough…
The Rock's reaction to the envelope screw up is that of a super hero thinking he's about to have to save everyone. pic.twitter.com/0e7qW1DG79
— Kevin Christy (@kevingchristy) February 27, 2017
look at the rock. classic people's eyebrow. pic.twitter.com/NSacBzBFpc
— sean. (@Seantaneous) February 27, 2017
.@TheRock looks like he's ready to rip off his tux, jump in a helicopter, and stop a disaster at any moment. pic.twitter.com/pNtmbQmLmp
— Brody Logan (@BrodyLogan) February 27, 2017
The Rock’s reaction the Oscars Best Picture botch is vintage The Rock. pic.twitter.com/0ITxoKrytV
— DolphinsTalk Josh (@AmplifiedtoRock) February 27, 2017
Seriously…I feel such joy knowing the Rock's face does this in real life. https://t.co/sTjpWkYy0t
— Elizabeth (@ImaQzak) February 27, 2017
The Rock wins Best Moonlight Mix-Up Reaction Face. pic.twitter.com/kMslI2r00N
— Amy Nicholson (@TheAmyNicholson) February 27, 2017
@TheRock looks like someone's just told him his gym is closed! 💪😬 #Oscar2017 #Oscars pic.twitter.com/3DMzpoVtqG
— James Askham (@jaskham) February 27, 2017
This is my new favorite picture ever. Damon & Merryl are great, but @TheRock's People's eyebrow is the best. pic.twitter.com/QdbQFu3Bdw
— Ben Voss (@Vausage23) February 27, 2017