Miley Cyrus appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon last night where she discussed her recent sobriety. I wasn’t aware that Miley Cyrus had quit smoking weed, nor do I give one wet far that Miley Cyrus has quit smoking weed. I’m all for people smoking cannabis as long as they do so in a manner that doesn’t get in the way of life, and doesn’t have a negative effect on anyone around them. Prohibition on marijuana is baseless and pathetic, that’s just how I feel…I digress.
Miley was on Fallon to hype up an album that’s coming out soon or something along those lines. She started talking with Jimmy about her sobriety and surprised him with the news that he’s partially responsible for her cessation of poking the smot. She was apparently having nightmares about appearing on SNL or Fallon and speaking complete gibberish. For the album she’s working on, Miley said she wanted to keep her head as clear as possible which I guess makes sense because you can get into the same rhythms and habits when you smoke weed. If those habits aren’t conducive to producing an album then you need to cut it out for a while.
Later in the show, Miley and Jimmy played some game where they ran the lyrics of popular songs through Google Translate, which apparently butchers the shit out of lyrics when it goes in and out. So, here’s the weirdest rendition of Ed Sheeran‘s ‘Shape of You’ that you’ll ever hear: