Woody Harrelson is a busy man. He’s been in London filming the forthcoming Star Wars prequel where he’ll be playing some sort of criminal/mentor to a young Han Solo played by Donald Glover. Well, he doesn’t actually explicitly say who he his mentoring, just that his character is a criminal mentor of some sort. Woody appeared on Fallon last night and Jimmy tried his hardest to get some details out of Woody but Harrelson just wasn’t budging.
When the top of getting arrested came up, Woody Harrelson did use this chance to talk about getting arrested in London. The original incident took place all the way back in 2002, but Woody Harrelson has been working on a new film project and it’s news again. Lost In London is Woody Harrelson’s latest film, and it’s the first movie to ever be broadcast live to 500 cinemas across the world.
A lot is being made over Lost In London becoming the first ‘Live’ film, but I honestly don’t see how this is any different from some celebrities popping on Facebook Live or streaming on YouTube. I guess the difference is the A-List actors appearing in Lost In London are, in fact, acting based on a lengthy script. This film also came with some $$$$$ production value.
Woody Harrelson’s big news came last week, though, when he announced that he stopped smoking weed a year ago. Woody was once one of Hollywood’s biggest champions of marijuana, but it turns out Woody wasn’t handling his cannabis dependency so well.