Last night in honor of Veteran’s Day Eminem performed in our Nation’s capital with Rihanna, and in true Shady style he didn’t censor himself at all.
Somehow people expected that he would, and those that weren’t expecting to hear Eminem in his true form are now crying faux outrage!
Now I’m 10000000000% in favor of showing respect to our Veteran’s and the sacrifices they made for my freedoms, but I’m failing to see how one goes from that sentiment to ‘Eminem cussing is disrespectful to Veteran’s Day’….but here we are.
From The NYDailyNews:
The pallor rapper turned “The Concert for Valor” on its head late Tuesday when he opened his set by wishing everyone a “Happy motherf—ing Veterans Day.”
The crowd on hand at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. didn’t seem to mind Eminem’s boundless energy, but those watching the broadcast at home got an unexpected barrage of F-bombs hurled their way.
Here’s the performance in full, and I’ll let you make your own decisions on whether or not Shady was being disrespectful:
tip of the hat to Nate @ BarstoolSports for finding this concert in full
This is all coming after yesterday when Eminem dropped the best freestyle we’ve seen in years, which included some controversial lyrics about Ray Rice. Check it out HERE.
At 42-Years-Old, Eminem Still Freestyles Better Than Anyone In The Rap Game