Watch Ariana Grande Get Spanked By Madonna, Because, Hey, You Don’t Have To Justify To Anyone Why You Clicked

This is the internet, man. Ain’t no one watching what you click (well, aside from your employer, but that’s another matter). If you wanna watch a Rubik’s cube get solved by a robot, that’s cool. If you wanna look at some lists of some sandwiches, that’s fine, too.

And if you wanna watch a 22-year-old pop star get smacked on the butt by a 57-year-old pop star, that’s just grand. You can do anything you want on the web, and no one is the wiser.

In the above video, Madonna continued her weirdly sexualized interpretation of the 1989 tour, wherein she brings famous guest artists on stage, but then indulges in some light sadomasochism. (See previously: Katy Perry, Anderson Cooper?)

Yesterday, it was pop starlet Ariana Grande’s turn. You can watch the spanking above, and also watch Madonna going in depth with Ariana Grande below in an on-stage interview that consists solely of asking Grande all the things she’s ever done to a banana.

Which, if you’re also into that, word.

[Via Celeb Jihad]