Radio DJ With ZERO F*CKS To Give Locked Himself In The Booth, Played Christmas Song 24 Times In A Row

Joe Kohlhofer has an 8am show on Austria’s Antennae Carinthia radio station, a 4-year-old daughter, and zero fucks left to give this Christmas season. He began AND ENDED his show by queueing up ‘Last Christmas’ by Wham. He reportedly locked himself in the DJ booth and played Wham’s song on repeat, 24 times, until his four-year-old daughter called in to complain that she didn’t like that song. This man is a goddamn hero. Just imagine being forced to listen to this song 24 times in a row…and imagine being the man who holds the power and can play this song 24 times in a row on the radio (details of the ordeal below)

via the UK’s Independent:

A radio host was so determined to get listeners in the festive spirit he barricaded himself in a studio to play Wham’s Last Christmas, on repeat, 24 times.
Joe Kohlhofer began his 8am drive-time show on Austria’s Antennae Carinthia station by blockading the door to the station with a wooden chair and telling his co-host he would be presenting on his own.
Patricia Jordan could apparently only watch through the glass partition as Kohlhofer took calls from listeners begging him to stop playing the song, which was put on loop for almost two hours.
And according to Austrian media reports, the DJ only gave up his Christmas protest when his own four-year-old daughter was put on the line, saying she didn’t like the song.
What will happen next to Kohlhofer remains unclear. The station claimed the stunt was unplanned, and deputy programme director Tommy Schmid told Austria’s Kurier newspaper that the host could face “consequences”.

Obviously this is the most press that unknown radio station has ever gotten, so the mere thought of Joe Kohlhofer facing ‘consequences’ is complete bullshit. They couldn’t buy this much publicity, he did them the biggest favor in the history of the station. If they punish him for that then I hope all of that station’s listeners boycott them until the advertising dollars dry up.

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at