Adam Dutkiewicz is a guitarist for the Grammy Award-nominated Metalcore band Killswitch Engage, and this week he went on my favorite daytime TV show ‘The Price Is Right’ and won over $50,000 in prizes.
As if he isn’t already envious enough as a Grammy Award nominated musician, the Metalcore pioneer got to go on the greatest television show ever made. And when I say ‘greatest’ I mean GREATEST, as in no show in the history of television will ever come close to the glory that is ‘The Price Is Right‘. Like the rest of you I grew up on TPIR, watching it on days when I’d get to stay home from school sick, but as an adult I took that one step further. Back before the Guyism/BroBible offices ever existed and were all working from home I used to set my DVR to record ‘The Price Is Right’ every day, so I could breeze through it without commercial interruptions. And no, I didn’t DVR the show looking for content like this to share with you bros, I DVR’d it because it’s greatest TV ever conceived.
So on top of this man being a revered musician he got to spend Tuesday afternoon the ‘The Price Is Right’, where he won a yellow 2015 Honda Fit LX by winning ‘The Money Game’ (which is awesome, but it’s no Plink), then went on to spin the wheel and hit an $.85, besting the other competitors $.60, and moved on to the Showcase Showdown. Once at the Showcase Showdown this lucky bastard won a vacation to ‘beautiful Borrego Springs’ (wherever the hell that is?) and ANOTHER car, well, it was actually a black truck. This was all after he bid $28,000 for the trip + truck trailer + black Nissan Frontier truck…and only beat the other Showcase Showdown contestant by a measly $101 DOLLARS. The fuckin’ luck on this guy is UNBELIEVABLE.
Here’s the video of his run on ‘The Price Is Right’ totaling over $50,000 in prizes:
Tip of the hat to ‘Blabber Mouth‘ for finding and sharing this video with the Internet!