20th Century Fox
Want to be as shredded as Brad Pitt was when he played wackjob Tyler Durden in Fight Club? Who wouldn’t? Follow this workout routine and diet plan and you’ve got a shot.
Oh, and unlike the club, there is no rule about not talking about the Fight Club workout routine and diet plan so feel free to share. Or not, up to you.
Back in 1999 when the film hit theaters, not only were people taken aback by the amazing story, they were also very impressed with just how ripped Brad Pitt was in the movie.
Reportedly, Pitt, who stands 5-foot-11, got down to around five or six percent body fat, putting him somewhere in the 155 pound range – almost all of it muscle.
So not only was Pitt acting like he was in a fight club, he damn well looked like he could have been in one as well.
According to Fitness B&W here’s how he did it…
Monday – Chest
Push-ups – 3 sets of 25 reps
Bench press – 25, 15 & 8 reps @ 165, 195, 225 lbs
Nautilus press – 15 reps @ 80, 100, 130 lbs
Incline press – 15 reps @ 80, 100, 130 lbs
Pec deck – 15 reps @ 60, 70, 80 lbs
Tuesday – Back
25 pull ups – 3 sets to fatigue
Seated rows – 3 sets @ 75, 80, 85 lbs
Lat pull downs – 3 sets @ 135, 150, 165 lbs
T-bar rows – 3 sets @ 80, 95, 110 lbs
Wednesday – Shoulders
Arnold press – 3 sets @ 55 lbs
Laterals – 3 sets @ 30 lbs
Front raises – 3 sets @ 25 lbs
Thursday – Biceps & Triceps
Preacher curls – 3 sets @ 60, 80, 95 lbs
EZ curls cable – 3 sets @ 50, 65, 80 lbs
Hammer curls – 3 sets @ 30, 45, 55 lbs
Push downs – 3 sets @ 70, 85, 100 lbs
Friday & Saturday – Cardio
Treadmill – 1 hour at 80-90% MHR
Sunday – Rest (finally!)

20th Century Fox
And, according to HighSnobiety, this is what he ate…
Breakfast: Eggs (six whites, seven yolks) and 75g of oatmeal with raisins
Mid-Morning Snack: Tinned tuna in whole wheat pita breads
Lunch: Two chicken breasts, 75-100g brown rice or pasta and green veggies
Pre-Workout Snack: A protein bar or whey protein shake and a banana
Post Workout: Whey protein shake and a banana
Dinner: Grilled fish or chicken, brown rice or pasta, vegetables and salad.
Evening Snack: Casein protein shake or low fat cottage cheese (slow release protein).
Piece of cake, right?
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