Sometimes in life you make one simple change and it has a ripple effect that transforms your entire world. That’s what happened with Pasquale “Pat” Brocco, 31, three years ago when his doctor warned him that his weighing 605 pounds was going to kill him sooner rather than later.
Following that doctor’s appointment, Brocco, who used to be a bodyguard for many A-List celebrities like Kanye West, Katt Williams, and Nicki Minaj, took a photo of himself in a mirror and didn’t like what he saw.
“My fitness journey started when Katt Williams gave a bet to do 50 push ups. I dropped down on the ground to start my first one and I couldn’t even lift myself up. Not only was I embarrassed but I humiliated, I’m suppose to be protecting this person and I can’t even lift myself off the ground. I never looked back ever since. I left the body guard life and creating a new one,” he wrote on Instagram.
It was after taking that photo following the doctor’s warning that the Avondale, Arizona man known his whole life as “Fat Pat” decided that from then on, every time he was hungry, rather than eat, he would take a walk to his local Walmart and back.
“You walk to Walmart three times a day, and you end up walking 6 miles,” Brocco told ABC News. “It’s amazing because I never walked 6 miles in my life, and I was doing it every day.”
From there he moved up to walks on a treadmill at a gym. Then lifting weights. Then using gym equipment that he wouldn’t have dreamed of even trying to use before.
“I mean, at 600 pounds, I couldn’t even go to the gym,” Brocco recalled. “I didn’t fit on the machines.”
330 pounds later, Brocco now lives on a healthy diet made up of food like vegetables, meats, sweet potatoes, quinoa and steel-cut oatmeal.
“Once I figured out dairy was my downfall, I took it out of my diet, and instantly I started losing weight again,” he explained.
“Fat Pat” is now “Possible Pat” and hopes that he will now be a role model for his one-year-old son, “so he can be Possible Pat, too.”