It’s true gin has an acquired taste. Those unfamiliar with gin might be surprised at the multitude of ways it can be created and then mixed in a cocktail.
This homemade gin drink set will give you an idea of just how unique the spirit is. As you play the master craftsman, you can follow the 3 recipes that come with the kit, or you can go off and concoct your own flavor. You’ll be provided with 10 different botanical mixes (12 total mixes) to create your own blend of gin.
The botanicals are:
- Green Cardamom
- Hibiscus Flowers
- Cubeb Pepper
- Lavender Flowers
- Laurel Leafs
- Orange Peel
- Pink Pepper
- Licorice Root
- Juniper Berries (3x)
Once you infuse your alcohol base—the kit advises buying around 750ml of neutral alcohol like vodka—you can expect to get a full-flavored mix in less than 3 days.
Inside the kit also comes a funnel and two empty glass bottles for you to package your gin creation.
Buy this as a bachelor party gift or make it a project for you and your significant other to take on over a long weekend. Even if the final product doesn’t taste as planned, you’ll at least be able to go back and tweak your gin to your eventual liking.
Isn’t science great?
John is the Style & Gear Editor for BroBible. You can contact him on Twitter @johnthompsoniv or via email
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