via BroBible
You may be surprised to learn that man’s biggest fear is not failure or death or telling his father he loves him.
No, man’s biggest fear is, in fact, experimenting with a new look among his closest friends.
I found this out the hard way in April 2014 when, for reasons still unclear, I made the decision to grow a beard. Actually, calling it a beard is like calling a fanny pack high fashion—it was more like an uneven goatee with spots resembling the Galapagos Islands falling short of my nonexistent sideburns.
“Patch Adams” was the insult that stuck with me most, although there were many.
Since then, I’ve been meticulous in eradicating every hair follicle with the courage to sprout on my face. I’ve spent thousands in razors, and accepted the harsh reality that the soulless act of shaving was a necessary evil.
No more. Enter the YA-MAN ‘Hot Shave’ Heated RF Electric Shaver.
Inspired by the fusion of Japanese modern technology, the ‘Hot Shave’ Heated RF Electric Shaver by YA-MAN has been #1 in market share in Japan for four years running, and it’s beginning to heat up here in the states–pun!
If, like me, you’ve been doing the five-blade razor thing for years, here are some reasons to break the habit and evolve.
Comfort – A Facial Oasis
The average clean-shaven man spends the equivalent of nearly 140 days of his life shaving, according to experts. 140 days! For something so ever present in our lives, why is traditional shaving so…blah?
YA-MAN ‘Hot Shave’ Heated RF Electric Shaver simulates the experience of a soothing hot towel shave with Radio Frequency (RF) technology that warms deep into the skin and softens facial hair, allowing for maximized comfort. The Japanese refer to the relaxing sensation of a hot shave as ‘ON-ZORI,’ and you don’t need to light a candle to achieve ON-ZORI, but it doesn’t hurt.
Now I know what you’re thinking: ‘Ok Patch Adams, comfort is cool, but does the thing shave?’
Hurtful, but the answer is yes.
Closeness – A Smooth Operator
Electric shavers are often perceived as inferior to traditional blades in terms of providing a close shave. Rightfully so—most electric shavers go heavy on the convenience, and skimp on the closeness.
Here’s how the 100% waterproof YA-MAN ‘Hot Shave’ Heated RF Electric Shaver makes its counterparts look like dinosaurs.
- Effortless navigation: extremely flexible 3-D Motion Head tilts inward by 10 degrees to accommodate all facial curves and takes care of those pesky hairs under the jawbone.
- Blades that work smarter: features two rows of rotary blades that rotate 2,000 times per minute, maximizing skin contact and sharply cutting hair from the root.
- Peace out cuts & irritation: Radio Frequency technology warms the skin, allowing it to absorb moisture more easily, which in turn improves softness and elasticity.
Value – A No-Brainer
On average, men spend $42 per month on products like razors and shaving cream, according to Lending Tree.
YA-MAN ‘Hot Shave’ Heated RF Electric Shaver, priced at $299, can help you save money in the long run by eliminating the need for constant replacement of razors. And that’s to say nothing of the hassle required to get the razors from the store’s lock box, and make the judgment call on when to throw out a razor based on an arbitrary blue line.
The Bottom Line:
‘Hot Shave’ Heated RF Electric Shaver by YA-MAN is a worthwhile investment for those who prioritize convenience, comfort, and quality in their daily grooming routine. If you shave often but don’t necessarily enjoy the tedious process of it, consider a change in your approach and treat yourself.