Not to sound too much like a Boy Scout, but I can’t stress enough how important it is to be prepared when you head out for a camping or hiking adventure. That means not just durable shoes and plenty of water; the little things like a sharp and reliable knife can make all the difference in the wild. In that category, you can’t do much better than Tekto’s A3 Delta Series Automatic Knife.
As a special deal for BroBible readers, you can get 15% off your Tekto knife with code “BROBIBLE” plus free 2-day FedEx shipping!
BUY NOW @ TEKTO – $159.99 $135.99 (use code “brobible”)
Like any great outdoor gear, Tekto got its start by a lot of trial and error in the outdoors. Out in the backwoods of Maine, the Tekto team was fed up with their usual knives failing to perform long-term. Dull, chipped, and unreliable blades weren’t going to cut it in the dead of winter.
Seeing that my wife and I spent a good amount of time camping and roughing in the great outdoors, getting to try out one of these bad boys The A3 Delta Series embodies everything that you need when it comes to knife performance:
- Titanium-coated D2 steel
- Folding auto mechanism for fast deployment
- Button lock and safety switch to keep you safe
- Contoured G10 and forged carbon handle and thumb ramp blade jumping for exceptional grip, comfort, and functionality
- Easily switches between right and left-handed usage (a huge plus for my southpaw wife)
Given that I have less experience in the outdoors in the relationship, I was pleasantly surprised to see how fluid and comfortable using the A3 Series was. Good size, good hand feel, and safe usage courtesy of the lock and safety. Considering we’re about to head to the Colorado Rockies next month, it’s perfect timing to have a new, dependable outdoor essential.
Tekto A3 Series Automatic OTF Knife
BUY NOW @ TEKTO – $159.99 $135.99 (use code “brobible”)
Check out the full selection of knives available at Tekto at the link below! Don’t forget: get 15% off with code “BROBIBLE” plus free 2-day FedEx shipping!