Recently I was handed the keys to both a PAX2 and JUUL and given the chance to take those two out for a test drive. Of course that’s an odd analogy for me to make as no keys were involved because they aren’t cars, but are in fact some of the best vaporizers on the market. Going into the testing of these devices I have to tell you bros that I was pretty skeptical, because I’d had experience with the First Generation of one of these products and it did not blog my mind in any way, shape, or form (but we’ll get to that in a minute, first I need to say some things for you bros that are both pro and anti-vaping.
Bros, so one thing I’ve noticed in the past here on BroBible is that when any one of us editors posts something related to vaporizers and/or e-cigs, whether it be positive or negative, often times the readers will attack the post as if we’d all collectively written it. I’ll see ‘oh great, first you say e-cigs are awful now you’re pro-vaping? Make up your damn mind!’ I feel that it’s a little important here for me to stress that my personal endorsement of these vaporizers and e-cigs is just that: a personal endorsement. Some of you will go on hating vaping and e-cigs while some of you will actually take away from this post that the PAX2 is one of the greatest technological advancements in the vaporizer industry, and the JUUL is a good alternative to traditional smoking, one that can be extremely beneficial for smokers looking to quit smoking cigarettes. Anyways, since I know a lot of you bros get really mad whenever we post content that’s disparaging towards the vaporizer industry I figured I’d tip you off to a few vapes that I’ve actually had firsthand experience with, and trust.
Now onto the products, first up is the PAX2:
I think it was about two years ago that I purchased the first gen PAX, after I’d heard fantastic things from people who owned them, and many reports of it being the best vaporizer on the market. Well, that was not my experience with Gen. 1…PAX2 however, now that’s a vaporizer I can actually endorse and tell you bros that if you smoke out of a vaporizer IT IS WORTH THE MONEY.
From start to finish I was blown away by the PAX2 experience, from the perfect ergonomics of the device to the futuristic look. Then came the technology! The PAX2 incorporates a lip sensing that adjusts the temperature of the device once it hits your lips, which cuts down on the waste of whatever it is you might be burning in there. Another thing I loved about the PAX2 was the actual visceral experience from the PAX2, I got that sensation that when I was pulling from it I was actually getting something and not just breathing from a tube…and I like that, a lot.
It is not cheap, coming in at $279.99 (versus the price tag of $199.99 for the PAX1), but you are getting significantly more for your money when purchasing the PAX2. If you’re on the fence about purchasing one or not I implored you just bounce around their website for a little bit, and check out their Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram feeds to get a sense of what owning the device is really like (you won’t be disappointed). I have to say that if I didn’t have the chance to test one of these out I would have ended up buying myself one for Christmas this year, and you should really consider doing the same for yourself (or buying one for someone you know would love the PAX2), because having received a PAX2 now I can tell you that it makes for the PERFECT gift.
Next up is the JUUL Vapor (E-Cig), and if you’re not already familiar with JUUL it’s one of the slickest closed-system vapor devices on the market. Again, I was skeptical at first because the market seems to be slightly saturated these days and I’ve got people telling me from every direction how wonderful her/his device is, but I gotta say the JUUL is worth the money ($49.99 for the complete starter package). The starter package includes the following: 1 x rechargeable JUUL device, 1 x Multi JUULpod 4-pack*, USB charger, 1 year device warranty
Maybe you’re looking to ditch cigarettes and need a vapor alternative? If that’s the case then JUUL is where you should be looking. Again, if you’re skeptical about what I’m saying then bounce around the JUUL website by following that link above and check out the reviews from other websites, because this is a vape that nearly every site on the web is willing to endorse (as I am). You can also find JUUL on Instagram and Twitter to get more a sense of what owning the device would be like, which is actually pretty crucial when you’re making the decision of what vape to buy next.
Another thing I love about JUUL, and most of the vaporizer market in general, is that it is an American-made product being manufactured and sold by Americans to Americans. So you’re spurring on the economy when purchasing these in a way that you’re not at all doing when you scoop up a new iPhone.