In Partnership WithGilletteLabs

Last Call: The Heated Razor by GilletteLabs Is Now $115 For A Limited Time

Heated Razor by GilletteLabs

With Black Friday only a few days away, the current cold weather might deter some from their annual holiday shopping. But don’t worry, the Heated Razor by GilletteLabs is firing things up early! It’s time to ditch the cheap hotel razors for something that’s going to elevate the shaving experience.

For a limited time, get The Heated Razor Starter Kit for just $115, a special mark-down from $150. Including a Heated Razor, 2x GilletteLabs blades, and a charging station, it’s actually the perfect holiday gift.

Every man deserves the feeling of a hot towel shave every morning. And now with the Heated Razor by GilletteLabs, it’s like bringing a professional barbershop experience into your own bathroom. Who wouldn’t enjoy that? Now, it’s time to awaken your senses with the feeling of a hot towel shave.


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