Every day, I’ll spend hours staring at random Instagram photos and wonder “how the hell did that moron take such a good photo?” It gets depressing and not because strangers are living more exciting lives than me but because my photos continue to suck. They’re so bad my favorite filter is “put right in the trash.”
It’s possible to take professional-looking photos without years of experience or advanced degrees. All you really need is this book, written by a man with years of experience and advanced degrees in photography.
Henry Carroll studied photography at the Royal College of Art and his work has been featured in a number of international exhibitions and publications. His photography work led to Read This If You Want to Take Great Photographs, the ultimate manual for snapping better pics.
Read This If You Want to Take Great Photographs is for this new wave of DSLR dabblers and users of compact system, and bridge cameras. It contains no graphs, no techie diagrams and no camera club jargon. Instead, it inspires readers through iconic images and playful copy packed with hands-on tips.
Split into five sections, the book covers composition, exposure, light, lenses, and seeing and uses examples taken by master photographers.
Get the book. Take better pictures. Print them because they’re so damn good. Make your boring life look way more exciting.
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