Happy Nuts
Let’s run down the list: your family, your loved ones, your friends, your co-workers…I think that’s everyone on your holiday shopping list. Oh wait, there’s one very important person left: you, you big dummy! Come to think of it, there are three: you and your “boys.” They’ve probably been through a lot this year. Treat them to a luxurious pampering courtesy of Happy Nuts and their line of men’s grooming products. I’d call it a great stocking stuffer, but I guarantee it beats any stocking stuffer you’ve ever gotten. And that’s saying a lot: my mom puts sour gummy worms in my stocking every year.
Take it from a big guy with tree-trunk thighs like me: sweating, chafing, and unfortunate smells are never a good thing, especially in all the most intimate places. Happy Nuts created a line of antiperspirants, balms, powders, body washes, and trimmers designed to eliminate discomfort and irritation while keeping your boys clean and fresh all day long.
The Lumberjack™ Electric Hair Trimmer
Comfort Cream (Anti-Chafing Lotion to Powder)
The Refresher Deodorizing Spray