- Rootine uses advanced technology and personalized data to track and optimize your health
- Using information like individual DNA, blood, and lifestyle, the brand provides unique microbeads designed to deliver maximum performance for your body
- Learn more about Rootine here
One thing I’ve definitely noticed as I’ve aged is this: What I put in my body matters. Gone are the days of drinking anything I want, snacking on junk food late-night, and getting away with skipping a few days at the gym and still maintaining a pretty solid physique. These days, I’ve got to get smarter while working a little bit harder. Such is the life of an almost-37-year-old man.
At this point in my life, my health is my No. 1 priority. Since I can’t quite run my body into the ground like I used to in my twenties, I find myself taking supplements and vitamins to help maximize my performance each day. Problem is, most of these are just over-the-counter that are made for everyone — but each body is different, so is it what I really need?
That’s why a personalized micronutrient subscription service called Rootine was created: Because they understand that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to everybody’s individual health. What works for your buddy might not work for you, and vice versa.
It’s why Rootine digs deeper, creating an individualized approach by using best-in-class AI to create a custom micronutrient formula based on your lifestyle, DNA, and blood test results. This helps you feel and perform at your best every day. And for just $69/month for the minimum three-month subscription, this is the way to keep yourself feeling as healthy and active as possible.
What Is Rootine?
Imagine having improved energy, balancing your mood, managing your stress better and improving your focus all with one little package, all while knowing the micronutrients you’re consuming were engineered for only you. Talk about a game-changer, right? That’s what Rootine does — and why it’s so important to understand and personalize nutrition for yourself.
In order to get started, all you’ve got to do is complete an 18-question lifestyle quiz (which takes about 5 minutes), answering questions relating to your diet, height and weight, and social activities like smoking or drinking.
Once Rootine knows a little more about you, the next (optional) step is adding more health data to further personalize your formula like DNA and blood test results. If you’ve already taken a DNA test from a prior service, you can simply use that info and save some time. If not, you can take Rootine’s DNA test. This might sound like a pain, but it’s super simple, with the brand sending you a kit in order to collect a saliva sample.
Similarly easy for blood data, you can upload blood test results you have from a prior service or health visit, or you can take a Rootine blood test that looks at specific nutrient levels in your body.
Your personal health insights are delivered in your member dashboard and within about two to three weeks, you’ll have your first pack of precision-personalized micronutrient in hand. The whole process is really seamless.
What Makes Rootine Different?
Every single person is looking for customized stuff these days. From art to sneakers to t-shirts and beyond, people spend a ton of money for something unique.
Rootine‘s doing the same thing for the micronutrient industry — and it’s completely changing the game.
Lifestyle information isn’t enough to create a completely customized product — Rootine also uses DNA and blood test results to create a comprehensive, simple way to receive the right dose of micronutrients tailored to NOT just your daily habits, but also your biology.
Rootine is made of compounds, vitamins, and minerals to optimize your body, custom to your DNA.
For those people who hate swallowing bulky pills each morning (i.e. – everybody), Rootine’s microbeads are a welcome alternative. Packed in those little microbeads are things like your dietary allowance of vitamins like C, D3, E , B2 and B6, which are each personalized based off of your specific DNA and lifestyle. Add in things like fiber, calcium and magnesium, among other things, and you’ll see and feel a massive difference from those over-the-counter options you’ve been taking all these years.
Now’s the time to toss out all those generic bottles of vitamins and supplements you’ve been taking and upgrade to Rootine — which gives your body the attention it deserves to optimize your health.
It’s a sad reality that we lose a little bit of our mojo as we get older. Instead of just rolling over and accepting it, make a difference with personalized nutrition from Rootine. It’s hard to argue with best-in-class AI that utilizes your individual DNA, blood, and lifestyle to determine what’s best for you and nobody else!
So ignore the sensationalized testimonials from random people in TV ads about a product that’s made for everyone, not just you. Stop wasting money on supplements from a grocery store that aren’t working. And enhance your health with a personalized micronutrient pack from Rootine. At just $69/month, now’s the time to take control of your health once and for all.
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