Fight or flight. Either you stand tall or run for the hills. It’s not bad to choose to run and live to see another day but what if there’s no possible escape? What if the choices were “fight” or “die”?
Tim Larkin is one of the world’s foremost experts on the subject of violence. A former military intelligence officer, Larkin was a member a beta group that redesigned how Special Ops personnel trained for close combat. Over the last 25 years, he has trained thousands of people including elite combat units, celebrities, law enforcement agencies, and high-net worth families on how to deal with imminent violence.
Larkin put all of that knowledge into book form with When Violence Is the Answer: Learning How to Do What It Takes When Your Life Is at Stake.
In this essential new book, self-protection expert and former military intelligence officer Tim Larkin changes the way we think about violence in order to save our lives. By deconstructing our assumptions about violence-its morality, its function in modern society, how it actually works-Larkin unlocks the shackles of our own taboos and arms us with what we need to know to prevent, prepare for, and survive the unthinkable event of life-or-death violence. Through a series of harrowing true-life stories, Larkin demonstrates that violence is a tool equally effective in the hands of the “bad guy” or the “good guy”; that the person who acts first, fastest and with the full force of their body is the one who survives; and that each and every one of us is capable of being that person when our lives are at stake.
The bedrock of self-protection skills and knowledge, the lessons and advice in When Violence is the Answer will stick with you long after you’ve finished reading.
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