Why A Leatherman Is The Most Thoughtful Gift I’ve Ever Received

Presented in partnership with Leatherman

What’s the best gift for the man who has everything?

And why is it a Leatherman multi-tool?

Here’s the thing about a Leatherman:

So many gifts we buy this time of year for our loved ones have expiration dates. They either become obsolete as time marches on or their daily use leaves them threadbare. A new phone? It’s outdated in a year. A pair of PJs or slippers? There’s a good chance they’ll be worn out by April.

Or, even worse, it sits on a shelf or in a drawer, unused and inevitable forgotten about.

20 years ago, when I was in eighth grade, my uncle got my a Leatherman for Christmas. We’d go on spring trout fishing trips every year and he said I needed my own pair of proper pair of pliers to remove hooks – Splitting one pair of pliers between two fishermen isn’t exactly an easy task.

So he bought me a clasic Leatherman with Heritage Sheath to keep tucked into a pocket of my fishing vest.

It ended up being the ultimate fishing tool, far outlasting the pair of rubber waders also I got for Christmas that year.

Here’s the thing about a Leatherman: When you need it, you really need it. And then you find a reason to need it, over and over again. It fits so perfectly balanced in your hand that it quickly becomes a tool you find a reason to use it.

It’s not just a great outdoor tool for splicing fishing line, cutting rope to pitch a tent, opening a can, or pulling hooks; It’s can be used for everything, from helping you pop a tire off a bike to prying out AAA batteries from the remote without pulling off your fingernails.

A Leatherman isn’t just some knickknack. It’s an everyday carry tool designed to last a lifetime; A present that keeps getting used over and over again. I still use the one my Uncle Bob got me for camping trips and slicing open Amazon delivery boxes. The wirecutter function alone is incredibly handy around the house.

The brand’s story goes back to the ’70s, when the company’s founder, Tim Leatherman, was traveling in Europe and needed a better way to fix a “cranky Fiat.” He was carrying a scout knife, but needed something with pliers.

Alas, this gave birth to the world’s first pliers-based multi-tool, still crafted in a factory in Portland, Oregon.

They have an arsenal of tools these days, all of which can be customized as gifts.












The BroBible team writes about gear that we think you want. Occasionally, we write about items that are a part of one of our affiliate partnerships and we will get a percentage of the revenue from sales.


Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at brandonwenerd.com. Email: brandon@brobible.com