Someone Created The World’s Fastest Barbie Car Using A 240cc Engine And It Looks Unbelievably Fun

world's fastest Barbie Car go-kart

YouTube / Grind Hard Plumbing Co

I can’t say that I ever had a pink Barbie Car growing up, that wasn’t exactly a normal toy for dudes, but I think we all know these toy cars from sight. They’re typically slow as hell. I know this now because my neighbors three houses down have twin daughters who drive one around in the street while their family dog trots next to them and it moves at a snail’s pace.

This Barbie Car below? Not so slow. In fact, it’s the fastest Barbie Car on the planet because they’ve dropped a real engine in it. They’ve taken the Honda 240cc single cylinder air cooled 4 stroke engine from a Honda CRF 230 dirt bike and replaced whatever slow ass engine comes inside of this kid’s toy. The result is a Barbie Car go-kart that goes 0-to-60 in 6 seconds and has a top speed of over 70 MPH. Though, you’d have to be certifiably insane to ramp this car up to top speed given that it’s still built on the Power Wheels 12V Battery Toy Ride-On Barbie Ford Mustang chassis. Here’s this thing in action:

It only took Grind Hard Plumbing Co four days to build this badass Barbie Car go-kart and if that’s not the best use of four day’s time then I don’t know what is.

(h/t Tastefully Offensive)

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at