Here’s a blast from the past for some of you. Remember those smoking hot Brazilian twins Bia and Branca Feres who blew up the internet somewhere around 2008 to 2010? If not, let me get you acquainted with them. And if so, good news! They’re finally competing in the Olympics on Thursday!
Now, for those of you unfamiliar, back several years ago synchronized swimmers Bia and Branca Feres made all sorts of waves because (a) they’re hot, (b) they’re twins, and (c) we thought they were going to compete in the Olympics back in 2008. Sadly, they did not make the team.
Then again in 2012 we hoped that the ladies would once again appear in the Summer Olympics, but because they each got breast implants in 2011 they missed out on the Games because they hadn’t been able to qualify. Bummer, right?
Well, now, in 2016, the day many of us have been waiting for is actually happening as Bia and Branca Feres, now 29, will be participating in the synchronized swimming finals Thursday morning.
Pretty cool for them that they get to compete this year since this Olympics is taking place in their homeland, huh?
Here are a few reasons why we’re so happy that they finally made it…
Now Check Out Other Olympic Athletes Winning At Instagram…