Australian model Emily Sears is an absolute babe on Instagram. We’ve posted about her many, many times in the past. There’s a reason she has 2.3 million followers and it *probably* has something to do with pics like this:
And this:
And this!
You get the point. She’s also keeps it real and DMs quite frequently with her fans from around the world. Usually people are pretty chill, but a couple douchebags think sliding into her DMs is an excuse to blast her with a dick pic.
She told Buzzfeed News that she “usually receives at least one or two dick pics per day, at minimum.” It’s ruining her entire social media experience:
Unsolicited dick pics are very not chill. But Emily figured out a way to get some comeuppance when she noticed that a couple of the dudes sending her dick pics were in relationships. So she started telling their girlfriends:
Buzzfeed also has the story of LA-based Aussie DJ @djlauralux pulling the same move, noting that this dude even had a pic with his girl saying “best boyfriend ever.” Via Buzzfeed News:
“I think the first time I decided to contact a girlfriend was probably close to two years ago when I opened my Instagram inbox to yet another dick pic with an explicit caption about wanting to fuck me from some random guy I’d never spoken to,” Laura told BuzzFeed News.
After a little research, Emily and Laura will also occasionally send pics back to the dick pic senders of the guy with their girl, thus calling them out. Here’s a couple more screengrabs of the exchanges via Buzzfeed:
Moral of the story… DUDES, STOP SENDING UNSOLICTED PICS OF YOUR DICKS TO STRANGERS. Here’s an infographic in case you don’t quite get the message:
Now enjoy Emily Sears Instagram account like the adult that you are: