I don’t know what’s gotten into Jessica Alba lately on Instagram. For months all we usually saw on her account were pics of her kids, food, all the usual bullshit you see on a regular person’s Instagram account. Sure, there was the occasional sexy photo mixed in, but for the most part it’s been pretty boring.
Then this week she dropped a HOT bikini photo on there, along with another on Twitter, and now today she shared a video of herself working out which unlike previous videos and pics of her working out actually showed off some skin and an atypical view of her backside.
The bikini pics I understood since in both of her captions she tagged some stupid water that she was shilling, but this, this seems to be of her own volition. Whatever the reason for this change I am liking the trend.
I am also like the other woman in the video that Jessica Alba was working out with who only identifies herself as “rrari_5000” on Instagram. Check out the photos of this mystery woman below the video and I am betting you’ll like her as well.
https://www.instagram.com/p/yW0_okFYkb/ https://www.instagram.com/p/yZUOqslYjH/ https://www.instagram.com/p/x5LxcslYia/ https://www.instagram.com/p/xVj2vZFYuE/ https://www.instagram.com/p/yRpEYAlYmb/So I have to ask, who is this woman?